Beware of the Byte
Recently our test department raised a bug against one our applications that occurred when trying to insert a record into a table. The error message encountered was a fairly innocuous " ORA-01704: string literal too long ". Following the test case to the letter, I successfully generated the same error and located the table that the APEX form was inserting into. A quick check of the Data Dictionary confirmed that the column in question was of type VARCHAR2(10). At this stage, I though the obvious cause was that there was no limit on the APEX form item (a Text Area) of 10 characters. Having checked the item in question, not only was there a “ maxWidth ” value of 10, the text area had been created with a “ Character Counter ”. Strange then how a form item accepting 10 characters was erroring whilst inserting into a column of VARCHAR2(10). A little while later...... (after some head scratching and several discussions with our DBA’s and a colleague) the problem was all too clear. S...