The New Year Blues

Well, finally made it into work on the 3rd January and it's always tough after the holidays. However its not long to wait until the 13th January when I will be spending a week in Meribel. Hopefully we will all return in one piece this year as well. My girlfriend had quite a nasty accident last year in Austria which resulted in a large laceration to her leg and required several rather large stitches.

I digress however and just wanted to offer some advice for those who are struggling with the "back to work" bug doing the rounds. A colleague of mine told me yesterday that his girlfriend always has to have a holiday to look forward to. I thought this was a brilliant way to beat off those New Year Blues and so why not start planning your Easter getaway. Surly the prospect of another holiday is the best way to cure the disappointment of one just ending.........

Just a thought.


Anonymous said…
For those people who are going skiing with you, can they look forward to being woken at 7am, with a hangover, by you pottering about and being overly chirpy? Oh and I recall that your girlfriends injury was owing to a rather unorthodox, badly executed snow plow (not even a parallel turn!) by yourself. I could be wrong...
Rodney said…
Wasn't the injury caused by Dunc falling off the ski lift on the "beginner" slope?

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